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  • For advice on how to reduce your heating running costs please refer to the Energy Efficiency section of our website or contact one of our Sales Offices direct. We are here to help.

How do I choose the best heating system for my Building?

When looking to heat your premises it is important to decide what you need to achieve with your heating.

·      Do you need everywhere to be the same temperature? 

·      Are you heating your staff or do you just need heat to protect your stock?   

·      Are there just specific areas you need to heat to keep your staff working there warm?

To have a uniform temperature throughout, warm air heating is the best solution.  

To heat a specific area (or areas) within a relatively large space, radiant heating is the best solution. 

Harry Taylor’s Engineers and Office Staff have the experience to advise on the best solution  to meet your needs for your premises. We have always had an eye on energy efficiency but with the ever increasing cost of energy this is even more important.  We will always suggest the most appropriate solution and advise on possible energy savings using destratification fans and optimised controllers.

The most flexible sources of energy to use to heat your premises are gas and electricity.  Ideally for gas you will have a mains gas supply.  However propane supplied in bulk by way of a tank is another viable solution.  Electricity as a heat source is becoming more popular but the running costs and required 3 phase power supplies are issues to overcome.   Clearly if you generate your own electricity this is a sensible option but otherwise the cost of electricity is a major obstacle for this form of heating.

Brand new buildings are the ones best suited to new greener technologies but these need to be designed into the construction rather than added retrospectively.    

Need advice, then call us.

But before you do please have dimensions for your building to hand and find out what services you have on site. From this information we can provide you with a very good idea of budget for a heating system.

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